Omeka and Neatline

Omeka can be used by itself or in conjunction with Neatline.


Omeka is an open-source platform of digital archives and collections that makes web-publishing easy and compliant with Dublin-core standards favored by libraries and museums. While it was first developed to help archivists and scholars publish their work online, Omeka has evolved into a valuable tool for students and educators.

See the project gallery:


Neatline is a plugin for Omeka that allows you to add a geotemporal element to your Omeka database.
Neatline is a geotemporal exhibit-builder that allows you to create beautiful, complex maps and narrative sequences from collections of archives and artifacts, and to connect your maps and narratives with timelines that are more-than-usually sensitive to ambiguity and nuance. In other words, Neatline lets you make hand-crafted, interactive stories as interpretive expressions of an archival or cultural heritage collection.” –

See the project gallery:

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